Karma Easypanel is a high performance panel filled with dry silica sand which produces exceptional acoustic performance. It is ideal for upgrading lightweight block walls. When tested with a layer of 15mm acoustic plasterboard on a lightweight block wall Easypanel met the deemed to satisfy requirements of Approved Document E for both internal and separating walls.
Karma Easypanel (with 18mm chipboard)
KArma Easypanel is a high performance panel which produces exceptional acoustic performance.
The Benefits Of Arma Easypanel
- BBA Certified solution
- Quick and easy to install
- Airborne performance of 43 Rw + Ctr and 48 Rw
Specifications Of Arma Easypanel
- Panel size: 1200 x 800 x 15mm
- Weight: 18 kg/m2
- Edge detail: Square edged