Model NDF Flexoply isolation pads are a laminated neoprene and cotton duck fabric isolation material developed for use in highly loaded, shock and vibration isolation applications.
Model NDF Flexoply pads utilize 64 layers per inch (2.6 layers per mm) thickness of laminated neoprene and duck, which allows absorption of shock and vibration by movement of the neoprene in and out of the fabric layers.
The result is allowable loading of up to 10,000 PSI (703 kg per sq. cm) for intermittent loading, and allowable shock loading up to 2,000 PSI (140 kg per sq. cm) for maximum life.
Standard Model NDF Flexoply pads are available in thicknesses as tabulated on the reverse side of this sheet and in sizes and shapes required for each application.
Model NDF Flexoply pads are molded to a Shore A 90 ±5 durometer, have an application temperature range of -35°F to +200°F (-37°C to 93°C), damping characteristic of 14% of critical, and conform to MIL-C-882B Class 1 Specifications. They are resistant to water, brine, fungus and bacterial growth, and produce only a slight swelling in SAE 30 oil.
Special coatings are available for Model NDF Flexoply pads to resist oil saturation.